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Not Just Conquerors General James Green I N JAMES CAUGHEY’S BOOK: “Earnest Christianity Illustrated” (1810-1891), he wrote: “An eminent divine in Switzerland asked this question, ‘What was the grand secret of the invincibility of the Roman legions?’ He replied, ‘It is found in that one foundation principle in the Roman empire, NEVER to treat with an enemy except as Conquerors.’” (Schmul Pub. Co. Salem, Ohio, 1997, p. 63). Paul, the great apostle of Jesus Christ, profoundly stated in his letter to the Romans that: “in all these things we are more than conquerors thru Him that loved us” (Rom. 8:37). Not just conquerors, but MORE THAN CONQUERORS! What did he mean? Paul all but began this central section of his letter to the Romans with a reference to our “tribulations,” the Greek term is the same as in 8:35 (also see 5:3, the RSV uses “sufferings”). For emphasis, Paul adds “DISTRESS” (8:35 KJV), which has the same combination of terms as found in 2:9: “tribulation” and “anguish” (KJV), “tribulation” and “distress” (RSV). Then, he follows with the more specific words: “persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, and sword” (8:35 KJV). “Sword” is the only one of those terms which does not appear elsewhere in some similar connections (see 2 Cor. 11:23-12:10), yet the “sword” was a genuine threat which did come upon the early church. Psalms 44:22 tells us that: “For your (God’s) sake we (His people) are killed all day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.” Paul quotes this Psalms in verse 36, meaning: “for Christ’s sake.” But the reference to “tribulations” in this Scripture must not be limited to all such persecutions. In Romans 8:17 he said: “...is so be that we suffer with Him (Christ), that we may be also glorified together.” You see, with the Grace of God, thru the power of the Holy Ghost, we, you, and I, can be MORE than conquerors. Suffering “with” Christ, and “for” Christ, strengthens our faith “in” Christ. Although we will face outward (extrinsic) persecutions, and inward (intrinsic) sufferings, if we, by the power of the Spirit can “put to death the deeds of the body you [we] will live” (Rom. 8:13 RSV). The list in 8:35 cannot condemn us if we are justified. Christ’s holiness cannot condemn us, since it expresses itself in love. But, if we fall into temptation and sin, then He will be our judge. BUT, SEVERE BLOWS OF ADVERSE CIRCUMSTANCES MAY CAUSE US TO BECOME MORE THAN CONQUERORS, NOT QUITTERS. Really, outward and inward sufferings, and adverse menaces, pose no threat to our standing—if we rely upon God’s Holy Power. These things are powerless to cut us off/separate us from the true source of our security, even though they might threaten our well-being, because if we hold fast to the sure Word of God, they are incapable of destroying our faith. Among injuries caused by the malice of the hatefulness of men, Paul, no doubt would be willing to include misfortunes due to capricious circumstances. The apostle knew the power of adversity to embitter and defeat the Christian (see 2 Cor. 11:23-33). But, how many of us will take his warnings/his advice seriously? HOW MANY will “fight the good fight of faith” and win? The Gospel of Christ DOES NOT DELIVER US FROM MISFORTUNES! Trust me, I’ve had my full share; in these we can find a blessing and not a curse. Romans 8:37 tells us that in ALL these things we are MORE than conquerors thru Him, that is, in Jesus Christ the Lord. Our redeemed human spirit (born-again) can rise above the threat of ALL opposing forces. I believe this! Our born-again (regenerated) spirit can be inflamed with courage, valor, gallantry, etc. by the power of God’s Holy Spirit that is resident in our soul. Our spirit can rise above and beyond the list found in Rom. 8:38, 39 (read it). This list emphasizes the universality of Paul’s denial: nothing which now exists, or will exist, shall separate us from God’s love.
It is manifest in verse 34, not only what Christ did, but also what happened to Him, or what God did thru Him. What did God do thru Him? By His death, burial, resurrection and glorifications, God created the New Testament church—[the Ekklesia] the earthly body of Christ. The love of Christ is the love of God: “the love of God in Christ our Lord” (v. 39). To recapitulate (summarize): the Christian faith is to realize that Christ cannot be against us (as faithful believers). Indeed He intercedes for us. This is good Biblical theology as related to our Christian faith and experience. If we walk worthy of our calling, we can rely upon Him to help us be more than conquerors. “Never treat with an enemy except as conquerors!” If the church today would hold to this saying AND PRACTICE IT!, the satanic powers would be in trouble indeed. But, if the church abandons this principle, it will be disastrous-and so it is at this time, in our present generation.Dear readers, have we forgotten what James wrote?: “Know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world, is the enemy of God” (James 4:4). Now who can boldly tell me that the modern, liberal, church has not only become friends with the World (not for the Gospel’s sake), but has become bed partners likewise...the fruit is in her BASTARD children!! It is all too true that the church has broken her marriage covenant with the Lord and has made adulterous alliances with the world. This puts the church into the “enemy” camp. But, the Word of God makes it plain and clear that we are necessitated to TREAT THE WORLD ONLY AS CONQUERORS, NOT AS ONE BEING SUBJECT TO OR ENSLAVED BY IT. Oppose the world, or oppose God,...take your pick. This obedience to Christ should be a maintained principle put into action, and practiced at all times, everywhere. Christian, have you drawn the line of demarcation between yourself and the world? Are you going to dissolve your worldly friendships, or dissolve God’s? The hour of decision is at hand (please read 2 Cor. 6:17, 18 real slow). Have you already left the fighting ranks of God’s Army to join the World’s? If so, constitute yourself an Achan (guilty traitor) in the camp. Be assured that the Lord will require injury at your hand...your punishment will be terrible: HELL FIRE FOREVER! For those of you who still are not settled one way or the other, renounce the world forever, behave yourself as becometh a good soldier of Jesus Christ, let the love of Christ fill your hearts, let the inextinguishable fire of God burn the Hell out of you, and et His Holy Sword cut worldly fetters off you. Having done the above, watch for opportunities to injure Satan’s ranks. Stand fast in the faith, not lying with the faithless. Be ready to sustain, to bear, to endure, to resist, and to fight. Keep in your appointed rank, without yielding to evil, or receding from His Royal Regiment. Keep order!
We’re soldiers fighting for our King, Let trembling cowards fly! We’ll stand unshaken, firm and fixed, For Christ to LIVE and DIE! |
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